Mt. Shasta Wild’s Diversified Products

Barbados Black Belly Lamb



Mt. Shasta Wild has had a long history in the sheep industry.  We ran a commercial Rambouillet/Columbia sheep band at the base of Mt. Shasta for 25 years pioneered by the 5th generation.  But as the 4th generation started to age and the 6th generation was still too young a decision had to be made between the cattle and sheep.  Due to the labor-intensiveness, economic, and predator issues with the sheep, the decision was made to focus on cattle and the sheep were sold.


After becoming very hungry for lamb and not being able to find a sustainable and reliable source for it.  A small band of Barbados Black Belly Sheep were purchased with the thought they would be more self-sufficient and at least would not require shearing.  The goal of the Barbados sheep was to be just for family use but they have proved hardy for sheep and have been able to somewhat out maneuver the predators so the herd has grown exponentially and we now have a limited number available to market.  They free forage on 200 acres during the day and are penned for protection at night.

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This is not a large breed of sheep and one family or couple that enjoys lamb would have no problem consuming a whole lamb in a relatively short period of time.  The Barbados lambs tend to have a milder taste than commercial market lambs related to its lean meat.  The large fat cap on conventionally raised lamb is what intensifies the mutton flavor.


It is cut and wrapped locally in Siskiyou County. The facility the lamb is processed in features pens based on designs by Temple Grandin, the nation’s premier humane handling expert, to ensure they are always handle humanely. They use old-fashioned butchery methods to prepare our meat—by hand, not machine. This butchery is Certified Organic and Animal Welfare Approved (AWA). All meat is USDA inspected.

Currently we offer lamb by the whole or half.  We ask for a $100 deposit prior to processing.  This will be used to cover costs of buying a freezer to store the meat in if someone is not able to complete the purchase.  To inquire about purchasing Mt. Shasta Wild Lamb and discuss next processing dates please email us on the Contact Us page.


Introductory lamb offer $250 whole lamb, $150 half a lamb.

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Price includes free delivery to pickup point in Bend. High Desert Veterinary.