Mt. Shasta Wild is the first beef producer to get this endorsement. We had good incentive to get involved after learning the newly established Shasta Pack will likely include most of our grazing area in their territory. Over the last year we have participated in coexistence trainings locally and in Montana with producers who are surrounded by wolf packs. Carnivore biologists with livestock coexistence experience have assessed our range and cattle and given us feedback on our vulnerabilities and strengths. We have instituted a ranger rider program that consists of increased human presence and developing an eye for subtle changes that may warn of impending wolf-livestock conflict. To learn more about how the thrifty Mt. Shasta Wild Cattle have evolved and why we are optimistic they can coexist on the same range as apex predators click here.
The California Wolf Center endorses and promotes beef from producers participating in The Working Circle. The California Wolf Center and The Working Circle’s common goal is to support and make things easier for those who place their livelihood in the hands of Mother Nature.
The Working Circle is made up of extreme northern California and southern Oregon ranchers (land stewards) and carnivore biologists who work together to reduce wolf-livestock conflict by merging ranchers’ knowledge of the working landscape with large carnivore biology & behavior. The group promotes responsible & ethical stockmanship, progressive grazing strategies & environmental awareness that supports coexistence with wolves. The Working Circle wants to develop a new business model for ranchers to succeed with predators on the landscape.
The California Wolf Center is pleased to support and acknowledge ranchers who serve as good stewards of the land while also producing high-quality, wolf friendly beef.
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